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Desert Ride
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About us

Gay Pride

If there's something we know how to do really well, it's how to plan adventures.

Synergi was an absolute 'aha' moment. We knew we had the experience, knowledge and connections to launch a travel agency, but were searching for something that would give it a little more sparkle, something that made it a bit more 'extra'.


The flash of brilliance came from conversations regarding collaborations and authentic content creation, and knowing that we wanted Synergi's tours to be unique to our customers. "What if we worked with content creators and influencers to craft and deliver bespoke travel itineraries for them to share with their audiences?" There would be no copying and pasting of itineraries, and as a result we'd all be fizzing to launch each individual trip, knowing it was a 'once in a lifetime' travel experience to the lucky few who booked on, packed their bags and embarked on the adventure.

So who are we? We're a bunch of Kiwi's who originally travelled to the Antipodes in search of thrilling experiences and good times, and just so happened to stick around longer than expected, making Queenstown our home. We live for the outdoors and have spent our fair share of time clock watching to skip off work to go do the activities we love. Not much is better than getting to travel overseas with a community of people who also love doing the same things - we feel that way and we reckon a heap of other people do too.


So, if you have built an online community who are into the same things as you, whether that's chasing waves, sharing backcountry tramping tips or critiquing different types of soft cheese, you could host a trip for them and get paid to do it. So drop us a line, let's get you all wandering around the cobbled streets of Provence, sniffing out the best camembert in France! 

Why partner with us?


No cost to you

Synergi take care of all bookings and any upfront costs, the only cost our partners incur is the time for them to market their trip.

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Transparent pay

If we sell the minimum amount of spaces required for the trip to go ahead (which is always the plan), you get your trip for free and get paid $500 for each day of the tour.

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Bespoke is best

We work with you to design your unique trip around a theme which most appeals to you and your audience. Now's the time to dream big and plan that trip of a lifetime. 

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