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Terms & Conditions

These Terms and Conditions “Terms” govern each user’s access to and use of the site and products at which is owned and operated by Synergi Travel Partners, a New Zealand company and any other products Synergi offers. 




These terms and conditions form a legally binding contract between you, Synergi and your travel partner. Please ensure that you read all of the details of this agreement carefully as it is comprised of important information about your rights with regards to your purchase.  

By paying your initial deposit you are agreeing to be bound by these terms and conditions and these terms and conditions will apply from the date of your initial deposit. 

At any stage Synergi and your trip travel partner reserves the right, at our discretion at any time, to make changes to any or all  of the provisions of this agreement. You will be bound by these changes from the date of implementation. 


LIABILITY DISCLAIMER: The Content, products and trip’s  published by Synergi may include inaccuracies or errors, including pricing errors. In particular, Synergi Travel Partners does not guarantee the accuracy of, and disclaims all liability for any errors or other inaccuracies relating to the information and descriptions of any any accommodation, activity, meal, transport and other travel products, including the package and trip details and services displayed on this Website (including, without limitation, the pricing, photographs, lists of hotels and amenities, general product descriptions, etc.). In addition, Synergi Travel Partners expressly reserves the right to correct any pricing errors on our Website and/or reservations made under an incorrect price. In such an event, if available, we will offer you the opportunity to keep your reservation at the corrected price or we will cancel your reservation without penalty. 



Booking ; trips for Clients 

All bookings of a trip must be made with Synergi by using the website or payment of an authorised invoice . By booking a trip with the Synergi you hereby are deemed to have agreed to these terms and conditions including without limitation all of the provisions of this agreement. Your booking will only be accepted by Synergi on this basis. Unless otherwise stated on your trip documentation cancellation policy, your payment terms are specifically defined below. 


Deposit Payment Requirement. A Client is required to pay a 20% deposit per person per booking to be confirmed. Your deposit is refundable until your booking is confirmed in writing. Except as provided below, your deposit is non-refundable after your booking is confirmed. If your booking is made within 90 days of the departure date identified in the booking , then the full amount is payable at the time of booking and is deemed the deposit for purposes of this agreement. 

Acceptance of booking and Final Payments. If the company accepts your booking, we will issue a confirmation email. A contract will exist between the company and you, the Client, for only the trip services described. Such agreement to commence as of the date we issue the confirmation email, or if you Book within 7 days of the departure date, the contract will exist when we accept your payment. Please refer to your booking confirmation email for details regarding final payments.  

Payment of the balance of the booking price is due 90 days before the departure date. If this balance is not paid on or before the due date, we reserve the right to cancel your booking, subject to the cancellation and refund policy provided below.  


Prices & Price Increases. Prices are subject to variable and seasonal pricing, both of which are standard practice within the travel industry. This means prices may vary at any time. It is possible that different passengers on the same trip have been charged different prices. Discounts cannot be combined. A maximum of one discount may be applied per Client per booking. Any reduced pricing or discounts that may become available after you have paid your deposit will not apply to your booking. If you wish to cancel your booking to take advantage of a cheaper price, full cancellation conditions apply. Prices are all presented in USD. We reserve the right to impose surcharges up to 60 days before the departure date due to unfavourable changes in exchange rates, increases in airfares or other transportation costs, increases in local operator costs, taxes, or if government action should require us to do so. In such instances, you will be responsible for any amount up to 5% of the booking price and if any surcharge results in an increase of more than 10% of the booking price, you may cancel the booking within 14 days of notification of the surcharge and obtain a full refund.  


Your Details. In order for us to confirm your travel arrangements for the booking of your trip, you must provide all requested details prior to departure date. Necessary details vary by booking, and may include without limitation, full name as per passport, date of birth, nationality, passport number, passport issue and expiry date and any pre-existing medical conditions you have which may affect your ability to complete your travel arrangements. Failure to provide requested details may result in additional charges or non-refundable cancellation of your booking. 

Cancellation by the Client. If you cancel some or all portions of your booking, cancellation fees will apply. A cancellation will only be effective when we receive written confirmation of the cancellation. Payments shall be refundable pursuant to the following: 

If you cancel any booking that is confirmed, on or after the date that is 90 days prior to the departure date, the deposit and Additional Payments will be retained by the company and is non-refundable to you. 


For departure dates more than 90 days in advance, if your booking has not yet been confirmed, and you cancel the booking, you shall either be granted a full refund of your deposit, or be granted a credit for the amount of the deposit. Synergi will endeavour to refund as much as possible without impacting other clients experience. 

For departure dates more than 90 days in advance, if your booking has been confirmed, and you cancel the booking, you will receive a full refund minus your deposit. 

If you leave a trip for any reason after it has commenced, we are not obliged to make any refunds for unused Services. If you fail to join a trip, join it after departure, or leave it prior to its completion, no refund will be made. The above cancellation fees are in addition to fees which may be levied by accommodation providers, travel agents or third party tour and transport operator fees. We are not responsible for any unfavourable exchange rate fluctuations that may lead to a smaller refund in your local currency. 


Cancellation by the company. For any Reason. Cancelling a booking is the worst case scenario for Synergi however in the case of unforeseen circumstances we may cancel a booking for any reason up to 45 days before the departure date. If we cancel your booking you will receive a full refund except a $200USD admin fee and we are not responsible for any incidental expenses that you may have incurred as a result of your booking, including but not limited to, visas, vaccinations, unfavourable exchange rate fluctuations, travel insurance excess or non-refundable flights. 

Force Majeure Event. Synergi shall not be liable or responsible to you, nor be deemed to have defaulted under or breached this agreement, for any failure or delay in fulfilling or performing any term of this agreement when and to the extent such failure or delay is caused by or results from acts beyond the company’s reasonable control, including, without limitation, the following force majeure events (a) acts of God;(b) flood, fire, earthquake, pandemics, epidemics, drought, bushfire, storm or other natural disaster, explosion, or public health and safety emergency characterised by an applicable government authority; (c) war, invasion, travel partnerilities (whether war is declared or not), terrorist threats or acts, riot or other civil unrest; (d) government order, law, or actions; (e) embargoes or blockades in effect on or after the date of this agreement; (f) national or regional emergency; (g) strikes, labor stoppages or slowdowns, or other industrial disturbances; (h) shortage of adequate power or transportation facilities; (i) other events beyond the reasonable control of the company. In case of a Force Majeure Event, the company shall reschedule your booking for a future date and provide you written notice of the same.  


Cancellation by or Removal of travel partner. Except in the event of Force Majeure, if the travel partner cancels your trip and/or booking prior to 45 days of the departure date, you can transfer the deposit and Additional Payments to an alternate departure date or receive a full refund. 

Except in the event of Force Majeure, if the travel partner cancels their participation in your trip within 45 days of the departure date, the trip will continue as planned and the booking shall remain subject to these terms including, without limitation. 

In case of any cancellation for any reason, we are not responsible for any incidental expenses that you may have incurred as a result of your booking, including but not limited to, visas, vaccinations, unfavourable exchange rate fluctuations, travel insurance excess or non-refundable flight. 


Age & Health Requirements. You must be at least 18 years of age to book a trip with Synergi. 


Passport and Visas. You must carry a valid passport and obtain all of the appropriate visas, permits and certificates for the countries which you will visit during your trip. Your passport must be valid for 6 months beyond the duration of the booking. It is your sole responsibility to ensure that you are in possession of the correct visas, permits and certificates for your trip. We are not responsible if you are refused entry to a country because you lack the correct passport, visa or other travel documentation. 


Travel Insurance. Travel insurance is recommended for all our Clients and should be taken out at the time of booking. Your travel insurance should provide cover against personal accident, death, medical expenses and emergency repatriation. We also strongly recommend the travel insurance policy include coverage for cancellation, curtailment, personal liability and loss of luggage and personal effects. A policy holder and policy number in the Client’s name must be provided to the company at minimum of 72 hours prior to departure. 


You agree and acknowledge that the nature of this type of travel requires considerable flexibility and you should allow for alternatives. The itinerary provided for each booking is representative of the types of activities contemplated, but it is understood that the route, schedules, itineraries, amenities and mode of transport are subject to alteration without prior notice, and the company is not liable for any such changes. 

Reasonable Behaviour on trip. If you fail to comply with a decision made by a representative of Synergi of any trip Leader or interfere with the well-being or mobility of the group, Synergi may direct you to leave the trip immediately, with no right of refund. You must at all times comply with the laws, customs, foreign exchange and drug regulations of all countries visited. 


Acceptance of Risk. You acknowledge that the nature of the trip is adventurous and participation involves a degree of personal risk. You will be visiting places where the political, cultural and geographical attributes present dangers and physical challenges greater than those present in our daily lives. It is your sole responsibility to acquaint yourself with all relevant travel information and the nature of your itinerary. You acknowledge that your decision to travel is made in light of consideration of this information and you accept that you are aware of the personal risks attendant upon such travel. 


Optional Activities. Optional activities not included in the booking price do not form part of the booking or this agreement. You accept that any assistance given by your group leader or local representative in arranging optional activities does not render us liable for them in any way. The contract for the provision of that activity will be between you and the activity provider. 


Claims & Complaints. If you have a complaint about your trip, please inform your trip Leader and they can attempt to rectify the matter. If satisfaction is not reached through these means then any further complaint should be put in writing to the company within 30 days of the end of the trip. 


Photos and Marketing. You consent to us using images of you taken during the trip for advertising and promotional purposes in any medium we choose. You grant us a perpetual, royalty-free, worldwide, irrevocable licence to use such images for publicity and promotional purposes. 

Pre-trip Behavior. The company may cancel a booking at any time prior to the departure date due to any Client actions, inactions, communications, or any other behavior that the company deems to be a security concern, or that may impact the dynamic and safety of the trip, as determined by the company in its sole discretion. In the event of such cancellation, you may not be entitled to any refund or compensation. The company may also elect to not provide you Services in the future. 


Luggage Restrictions. All Clients are allowed to bring one large piece of luggage (not exceeding 23kg)  in weight, one small carry-on and a personal item. Any additional luggage brought on a trip will need to be communicated in advance of the trip 


On-trip Behaviour: The company and or authority on trip reserves the right to remove a Client at any time while on trip due to any Client actions, inactions, communications, or any other behaviour that the company deems to be a security concern, or that may impact the dynamic and safety of the trip, as determined by the company in its sole discretion. In the event of such removal, the Client may not be entitled to any refund or compensation.  


Early Departure from a trip: Any additional fees or costs incurred due to an early departure from the trip, whether voluntary or at the request of Synergi Travel Partners and/or the authority on trip,  are the sole responsibility of the Client. This includes official removal from the trip due to behavior, violation of community guidelines and/or health and safety concerns. 



You hereby agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Synergi, its affiliates, and their officers, directors, employees, agents, licensors, content providers, successors and assigns from and against any claims, liabilities, damages, judgments, awards, losses, costs, expenses or fees. 



The terms and conditions of all agreements made with Synergi shall be subject to, and governed by, New Zealand law. You agree New Zealand will be the forum for resolution of any dispute related to your participation in this program. 

If a dispute arises, you will try to resolve it directly with Synergi. If you cannot resolve the dispute you agree to go to mediation first. You will agree the mediator with Synergi within 10 days of notification of the dispute. If a mediator is not agreed or appointed, you and Synergi agree to participate in arbitration under the Arbitration Act 1996 (NZ). 

No employee, servant or agent of Synergi has authority to vary these terms and conditions. 

The terms and conditions shall be binding on your heirs, executor, administrator and all members of your family. If any term or condition contained herein is deemed unenforceable, all other parts shall remain in full force and effect. 

The company reserves the right, at our discretion and at any time, to make changes to any of the provisions of this agreement, including without limitation changes to any of the terms and conditions governing a booking of a trip or to the company privacy policy. 

The company may take any reasonable efforts to post any such Updates to this agreement, including without limitation posting such Updates to this agreement on the company’s main Website. 



If you have questions or comments about this agreement or the company Websites, company Programs or Services, please write, phone or email us via the contact information below: 

Synergi Travel Partners Ltd 

Email us: 

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