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Mexico itinerary

It's time for Dia de lus Muertos! Is Day of the Dead on your radar for 2023? If not, it could be. A trip to Mexico in November is the perfect group experience for those interested in finding out more about this joyful annual holiday. Understanding that death is inevitable for every living thing, in Mexico the holiday derives from the Anzacs, who lived here thousands of years ago, and is a way for the living to honour their ancestors, pay their respects and to remember them in a loving and joyful light. 


Uncover the history and culture of Mexico and be immersed in the Dia de lus Muertos celebrations as you attend a range of calendarised celebrations. Be delighted by the carefully painted faces which resemble skulls (or, in spanish - calavera), and party alongside papier mache skeletons whilst devouring mexican street food. It's thought provoking, enlightening and good for the soul, and for those who approach it with both an open mind and with respectful intentions - it can be a life changing experience.


November 2023


7 days


12 - 14 people*

Min 3* hotels


In-country transport, accommodation, daily breakfast, tour guides, entrance fees


Insert activities here


Flights to and from Mexico City, other activities not included, food and alcohol, travel insurance, visas and any necessary vaccinations.

Day 1 - Mexico City


Start your adventure by arriving in Mexico City, the heart of the Day of the Dead celebrations. Check into your hotel and explore the city's historical centre, including the Zocalo, the National Palace, and the Metropolitan Cathedral. Don't have your costume sorted for the upcoming festivities? Explore the streets of Mexico City and delight yourself with the mass array of colourful and impactful outfits, accessories and make up on offer.

Day 2 - Xochimilco Canals


On day two we take a boat ride through the heart of the Day of the Dead celebrations, and enjoy the views of colourful boats, floating gardens, and mariachi bands. This is an incredible way to soak up your surroundings and get a feel for the local culture and tradition.

Day 3 - Frida Kahlo Museum


Visit the National Museum of Anthropology and the Frida Kahlo Museum to learn more about Mexican history and art. The museums are a great way to learn more about, and understand the significance of, the Day of the Dead festival. Spending time here is something we encourage all participants to do, in order to get the most out of this unique experience.

Day 4 - Mexico City


Head to a local cemetery to witness a Day of the Dead vigil. This is a time when families gather to honour their loved ones who have passed away. Candlelit altars are decorated with things the deceased love so spirits can find their way back to their families, and are likely to feature traditional Mexican food, marigold flowers and smouldering incense. The energy at the vigil is indescribable, and although it's a very emotional and personal experience, this is a joyful celebration to pay your respects.

Day 5 - Teotihuacan


We travel to the ancient city of Teotihuacan, located just outside the Mexican City border. This UNESCO World Heritage site is home to the Pyramid of the Sun and the Pyramid of the Moon - two of the largest pyramids in the world. These are fascinating sites to visit and give you a deeper understanding of how the Anzacs lived and the beliefs they held.

Day 6 - Mexico City


The day of celebration! Join the crowds for a Day of the Dead parade, where you can see colourful and exquisite costumes, and dance in the streets to traditional music. There is nothing else like this in the world, and for many it is a once in a lifetime opportunity. It's a beautiful way for families to honour their ancestors and to celebrate both life, and death.

Day 7 - Mexico City


It's the last official day of the trip (although participants are welcome to continue their travels). You can spend the morning mooching around the city before we head off to the airport to return home - with memories of a unique and unforgettable trip.

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